AI-Driven Browser-Based Threat Protection
Protect your network from 100% of email and browser threats with ConcealBrowse. Our AI-driven solution protects your organization from malware, ransomware, zero-day attacks, credential theft, and other online risks.
Discover how ConcealBrowse will:
Extend protection across email, web apps, and collaboration tools, preventing browser exploitation and web-based attacks
Stop sophisticated phishing attempts beyond the inbox
Prevent costly and destructive zero-day cyber attacks
Stop tomorrow's threats today with AI for advanced threat detection
Deploy in minutes with no impact on your existing infrastructure
Access full visibility and reporting of high-risk users
See ConcealBrowse in Action (3min Demo)
ConcealBrowse represents the future of browser security - where artificial intelligence, user experience, and comprehensive protection coalesce to create a browsing environment that’s as safe as it is seamless.
Neutralizes threats from any origin - email, web applications, social media, and collaboration tools.
Overcomes persisting challenges despite robust email security layers, Security Awareness Training, and phishing simulations - acknowledging the impossibility of reducing click rates to 0%.
Acts as a protective layer, covering browser-related blind spots, effectively mitigating risks associated with human vulnerability in online activities.
"Conceal is so easy to implement; everyone needs to do this. The extra layer it provides for security is priceless!"
Brian B. | Director of IT
"Stopped Russian ransomware dead in its tracks. The best service I have in my stack."
Edward H. | Owner
"A cybersecurity no-brainer. Conceal is a solution that every business should be using."
Darren P. | Managing Partner